Where you are currently was once a place of the unknown—
I am reminded of the many times I would sit and dream about being overseas. It would come with great mix of emotions. I would be so zealous and yet so afraid. It seemed like it could never happen. It felt like it would never come about. It was terrifying years ago to think about leaving those I love and being in places that would be hard to communicate with them. I recall one of the greatest fears coming with the thought of ” how would i get there?” Where would money come from?
What you may not know about me when I was younger I NEVER wanted to leave home… (you can ask my mom mfarthur@gmail.com) I honestly thought I would stay in my hometown and live close to my mom and dad. Shh don’t tell but i never spent the night with anyone until I was like 16 or so. I was really good at sneaking out of houses when others fell asleep thought 🙂 I had amazing dad that would come and get me at 2 in the morning at times so thought I could come home. I loved my little town and everyone in it.
Surprisingly with a lot more stories and many great people and above all the GRACE of God, here I am in AFRICA. This may sound crazy as I have been here for over 2 months now. I was walking the other day and freaked out because I realized “Oh my word. I am in Africa again.” It came with many laughs as well as a flashback to this little girl I once was. I began to tear up. It was in the moment that I felt like The Lord responded with ” Shay I always knew you would be here. I made a way for you to be here. Not only did details work out but even more than that I changed your heart to be here.” I was so stunned. Not belittling all the crazy things He has done for me, but LOOK at all He has done in me. I was this little that wanted to stay home and just play life “safe”. I can tell you I never wanted to leave because I loved that life but honestly I was scared to leave the comfortable life I had there. I had no clue who I was. There was good things about me, but at the root of most of my not wanting to leave to do anything with my life was the fear of the unknown.
Who would have thought it? God did! He knew He knew that this little girl called Shay would one day be here in Africa. I am reminded that He works all things out for our good. I can look back and see the places He was calling me out of where I was and beckoning me to step out into the waves of His heart.
I started off by say this:
Where you are currently was once a place of the unknown—
Look back at your life and see those places that you once feared but have now been conquered. This is the story of life. We see places that look scary that God is calling us to go. We see things inside of us that we know God is wanting to sharpen.
We have a tendency to want to run away from those things, but the truth is we must face those things. This is where we begin freedom. This where we can really see that this life isn’t about us but rather Him in us. We can celebrate life when we look through this lens. When we can see that where are currently was once a place of the unknown we can see that God is faithful. We can see that He is worthy of our trust. We can also laugh at the old self and realize that we were settling for something so mediocre compared to what He has for us.
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