When Jesus said come and follow me, men threw down all they were doing in life and began the real adventure that was set before them. Don’t think these men were all single and living the high life of “single hood”. Im sure that they had families and children. But they knew this was the man that had been talked about doing sign miracles and wonders. This is the Yahweh that many seek. They left everything to follow Jesus. In the church we can get caught up in the idea that this is one time statement. He says to you come and follow me and you let him into your heart with a resounding yes Lord I will follow you. Yet the statement remains daily and monthly, and yearly. This is a never ending statement in our lives. Jesus is continually saying “Come and follow me.” This isn’t a question but rather an essential to the relationship we have with him. Come and Follow me has been resounding in my heart and mind lately as things seemed to be going right “on course” for my life. I had found my nitch in life. I have known for a long time this is what I was made to do and desire to soar into all that He has before me. I was off to the nations in my heart when He had a greater plan. He spoke ever so softly to my heart that didn’t want to hear, because i knew what was coming. He said Shay “follow me”. This is not what I wanted to hear honestly. I wanted to hear Shay GO GO GO this is it!!! Sometimes we don’t hear God because we only want to hear what we want to hear and not hear the truth he is speaking to us. I found myself wrestling with the “follow me” and the justification of ” I am.. look at this and this…” It took many tears and people speaking truth to me in love that would set me free from the fear and the ideologies of what I want life to be, for myself to see the reality of the call that God has placed on me for this season of life.
It is with great joy…now but not a week ago… that I can share that I am staying stateside for a season (of which I have no clue the length of). I wrestled and wrestled that I am pretty sure I need a wrestler’s name soon. (shirts to come soon too lol) I am in a place of deep peace and love but one that holds many unknowns and uncertainties. Yet this is what I am constantly speaking about and sharing through my life. I was never called to be comfortable, but to run to Him for my comfort as He is the source of life. I know that God has stretched my tent pegs for many reasons and I am seeking that He continue that even stateside. I know that there is something that He is asking of me and I am praying daily for the grace to run that race as He leads me. I have many dreams and many that seem so far fetched that I can’t even begin to fathom how He can make those happen but this is the God we serve. Meeting us in the impossibilities of this life and making them possible. I know that God has stirred the dream of having a non-profit organization that will be the covering for many dreams to come about stateside and internationally.
“Shay come and follow me” I respond with a resounding YES Lord. And with that following will come great strength and peace and even more freedom! With this laying down of “my” plan will come forth His plan and it will touch more than I could ever think or imagine. Obedience is what brings forth the fullness we cry out for.
As you read this stop and ask yourself what is God speaking to me? Can I hear him or am I just wanting to hear what I want to hear?
Come and Follow me
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