There is a story that most of us never live. You were fashioned to live fully alive. There is an adventure on the inside of you waiting to be enjoyed now. What will it take? It is a small, three–letter word that will change your life. Many years ago I said “yes”. I have continued saying, “Yes” through out these years to all He has for me.
“Yes”, has changed me from the inside out. God is not looking for a perfect heart but rather a yielded heart that says, “yes”. My “YES”, has brought me to where I am. At times, upon examining my choices and dreams I thought I knew what my future would look like. As it turns out my life hasn’t come close to looking like what I thought it would. I think on these things and smile. It is funny to look back on the last 10 years of my life and see where it has brought me. I could have never planned to go all of the places I have been, along with all of the great people I have met. From a small age I saw my family live a life of saying “yes”. I would see my father and mother give things away to people constantly. I saw them help people financially. Often times we had people living with us, due to a variety of reasons. It was never strange for me to see them giving themselves to others. Not once did it ever feel like, as a family, we lacked anything. I can recall countless times when my mother was praying in her room and then we would go to someone’s house and help them just because my mother felt that she was supposed to go. I know there are probably thousands of people that have been fed by my father that manages a local burger joint in town. I don’t come from a family of “super” people. We are a hard working, God and people loving family. Most of all, my family has learned by choosing “yes” to whatever the Lord has placed in your heart, will never lead you astray.
The sacrifice in giving all to Jesus is real but the love and eternal rewards out weigh the sacrifice. They are incomparable!
My friends, I am saying YES again. Recently, The Lord has placed it on my heart to go to Africa. I have the amazing opportunity to attend Harvest School in Pemba, Mozambique. This is a 3-month commitment with the option of traveling afterwards with teams that will be formed at the school. Harvest School is a school for missionaries who desire to live a radical lifestyle of saying yes for the Kingdom of God through foreign missions. Their hearts passion is to stop for the ones that need love the most. They have seen amazing things happen in Mozambique. I have the opportunity to be a student and learn from the amazing people that are living this version of yes.
They understand that those who love the most, live the most. They aspire to love a country in such a way that they drive a positive change in all areas of economy including: health, finance, and spiritual well being. God is using them in a mighty way. I will be working in orphanages and doing outreach ministry in the “bush bush”. This is will an adventure; no doubt about it!
Often times we read the stories in the bible and we think of those amazing people and all they accomplished and then we look at our lives and think we don’t have what it takes to live a life like those we read about. I am continually reminded that just like those such as Paul, Peter, and John we can live a story that is worth thousands of readers. “Yes”, is all you need. A heart that is willing to place others above the comforts of your own life. Making a choice to fully live. Living a life full of integrity with each day we are blessed to have. Embracing life intentionally with those around us.
Maybe “yes” looks like raising children selflessly, caring for the homeless in your neighborhood, creating a standard of excellence in your company, or caring about your part time job like you own the company. It is in this way of living we see that we can live a story that will pave the way for others to begin to fully live as well.
It is my desire to live a life that would spark those around me to say “yes”, continually. I would like to invite you to be apart of my “yes”, adventures. I am raising money to travel to and from Mozamabique Africa. I am in need of $4,000 by the date of Aug. 24th. This will cover my tuition, housing, and meals. There are expenses outside of those as well such as, visa fees, medical needs. If you would like to partner with me in this story you can give through these options:
1.) PayPal: you can give by using my email to money. This will requires free registration. (email is
2.) Mailing Checks: You can send checks to:
Shay Arthur 612 Camp St. Sulphur Springs Texas 75482
3.) Deposit into my bank account (BofA): Please email me at the above email for that information.
I know many of you may follow me on Facebook or Instagram (thanks for that) and at times you may wonder “where is Shay now?”. I would like to invite you to follow this story for updates during this trip!
Instagram name is (@shayarthur)
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