EP 018: JustShayin – a call to a struggling Church

Hey all, Have you grown weary in well-doing? With everything that is going on, it would be easy to get tired and want to check out! I call us back to attention and remind us to love the Church more now than we ever have! I know it’s hard but God is going to use...

EP 017: JustShayin – The Pharisee Within

Hey Everyone! This is a very personal chat from my heart to your ears. It isn’t an easy chat but it’s a real one! I am living this chat out in my own life. I think sometimes we need to learn not just from the people we love and look up to, but also the...

EP 013: JustShayin – David Wagner

Hey Everyone! It is a gift to be able to share this Father to me, and many, in The Kingdom with you all! Join David Wagner and me as we talk about The Father. This is an episode that will minister to your heart as David ministers the Father’s love. Do you need...

EP 011: JustShayin – Eric Johnson

Hey Everyone! I have been having a hard time keeping my mouth shut on not spilling the beans on this episode!! Eric Johnson is part of the Senior Leadership Team from Bethel Church in Redding, CA. For a few years now I have been making sure to check out all of...